The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and gives schools extra funding to raise the attainment of pupils eligible for it from reception to year 11.
The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying differences between children eligible for the premium and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
The Government has allocated funding to support:
- Students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)or who have claimed free school meals in the last six years
- Students who are looked after by the Local Authority, and
- The children of Armed Service families
Pupil Premium Grant - per pupil | |
Pupils in Year group R-6 recorded as Ever 6 FSM | £1,320 |
Pupils in Year group 7-11 recorded as Ever 6 FSM | £935 |
Looked After Children (LAC) | £1,900 |
Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order | £1,900 |
Service children: Pupils in year groups R to 11 recorder as Ever 4 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence | £300 |
Students eligible for the pupil premium are identified in this school using data from the Department for Education’s “Key to Success” database. Funding is allocated from the January school census. Students who become eligible for free school meals whilst on the school’s roll are added to this cohort of students.
Total Pupil Premium Grant 2020/21 = £129,030 (Based on the October 22 Census)
Year | Number of Eligible Students (Oct 2022) | Total Students Y7 - 11 (Oct 2022) |
7 | 31 | 119 |
8 | 35 | 125 |
9 | 25 | 118 |
10 | 41 | 120 |
11 | 33 | 119 |
Total | 175 | 602 |
The Pupil Premium is paid to the school and it is for the school to determine how it is spent. The school is required to publish an annual plan for the use of its Pupil Premium funding and to publish an annual report evaluating the impact of the funding.
Looked after children (who have been “looked after” for one day or more) are eligible for £1900 of pupil premium funding. In Derbyshire this money is held by the Virtual School Headteacher for Children in Care. £300 per term of the grant can be released to schools using a system of provision mapping. Additional sums may be available by application. At St Philip Howard we currently have two students who fall into this category.
Recovery Premium
In addition to the pupil premium grant we also received £27, 810 in terms of recovery premium. This is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupil’s whose education has been impacted coronavirus. The grant provides over £300m of additional funding for state funded schools in the 2021/22 academic year and will be a further £1bn across 22/23 & 23/24 academic years. It’s focussed on Pupil Premium eligible pupils due to the additional impact of the pandemic on these pupils.
Governance and Leadership of Pupil Premium Spending
The governing body is responsible for approving the arrangements for the use of the Pupil Premium and for monitoring the impact of that spending. At St Philip Howard Academy.
The school’s annual Pupil Premium Plan is approved by the lead governor on pupil premium and the trust lead on Pupil premium. The Governors also receive termly reports on the impact of the Pupil Premium Plan and approves the school’s annual report on Pupil Premium spending and its impact.
At St Philip Howard Academy, the Deputy Head teacher (Curriculum) is the named staff member who leads on pupil premium work.
Evidence and Context to Pupil Premium Spending at St Philip Howard Academy
At St Philip Howard Academy, we are very much aware of an ever growing body of evidence documenting ‘best practice’ surrounding the use of Pupil Premium. We have also developed our own approach to the Pupil Premium since its inception in April 2011. Therefore, for 2022-2023, we have once again reviewed and revised the ways in which we are planning, budgeting, reviewing and then measuring the impact of our allocation.
Firstly, instance we continue to access the growing body of evidence provided by the EEF:
Secondly, we have accessed and reviewed documents from the DfE and OFSTED:
- ‘The Pupil Premium, How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement.’ OFSTED (2013).
- ‘The Pupil Premium, How schools are using the Pupil Premium to raise achievement for disadvantaged pupils.’ OFSTED (2012).
- ‘Subject to Background, Sutton Trust, (2015).
Thirdly, we increasingly compare our experiences to other similar schools:
This evidence base has allowed us to formulate a set of principles to guide our use of the Pupil Premium:
- We will ensure that Pupil Premium funding is spent on students eligible for it.
- We are aware that within our Pupil Premium cohort there are a diverse range of needs – both existing and emerging.
- We will maintain high expectations of the Pupil Premium cohort
- We will thoroughly analyse which pupils are under-achieving and endeavour to work out why.
- We will use evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies.
- We will be relentless in our pursuit of high quality teaching, not interventions to compensate for poor teaching.
- We will use progress data to check interventions are effective and make adjustments where necessary.
- We will have a senior leader with oversight of how Pupil Premium funding is being spent.
- We will ensure that teachers know which pupils eligible for Pupil Premium.
- We will endeavour to demonstrate impact.
- We will have a named governor who will oversee and challenge our use of the Pupil Premium.
Local Context
St Philip Howard Academy serves a very polarised area. Our catchment covers three main areas of High deprivation, with these being in the top 30% when compared with national data, with one area being top 10%.
With this in mind we analyse, in detail, our Pupil Premium cohort in an attempt to identify common barriers and any local issues. The polarised nature of our cohort means that we cannot assume anything and are not always dealing with obvious or common local barriers. Therefore, a significant proportion of our work centres around monitoring the progress of our cohort and our ability to act quickly and address emerging needs. We recognise that our Pupil Premium cohort has a diverse range of aspirations, prior attainment and levels of progress. Some of our brightest and most talented students form part of our Pupil Premium cohort. We have increased our capacity to identify and react on a daily basis. Our staffing is a key area of our intervention strategy. Staff are tasked with identifying barriers and reviewing progress through our reporting system along with book scrutinise and lesson observations. We rely heavily on our Heads of year, Heads of departments to identify needs and deliver interventions. At the same time, historically, we have evidence that points us towards broad barriers in the High Peak area:
- Family history of reduced engagement with school life such as attendance at parent consultation evenings
- A lack of aspiration towards attending leading universities
- Ability to engage with extra-curricular activities and Period 6 intervention
- Sudden loss of family income resulting in non-engagement with educational visits and sudden reduced ability to purchase school equipment
All of our strategies can be linked to these local issues.
Aims of Pupil Premium at St Philip Howard Academy
Our core purpose is to ensure that students of all abilities and backgrounds have high aspirations and achieve their potential. By continuing our relentless drive to maintain and improve the quality of teaching and learning we expect to further improve the outcomes of all the students at St Philip Howard this will be demonstrated through our headline figures.
We aim to identify skills and Knowledge gaps, and address them, as early as possible. Therefore, during the 2020– 2021 academic year we will increase, even more, our provision and interventions (when needed) in all year groups. However, following a review of our 2019-20 plans, we have also identified the following four strategic aims for the pupil premium cohort:
- Quality first teaching for all: Teaching at St Philip Howard is good and we focus all our CPD activities on professional development to ensure students continue to benefit from this feature of our school.
- Targeted Academic support: We have made substantial investment in additional classes across all areas of the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum to reduce the number of students in a class and facilitate more targeted support for students who are in need of more support. Further investment has also been made in securing the breath of the curriculum, whilst introducing new subjects.
- Wider Strategies: this aim involves supporting pupils to behave well, have good attitudes to learning, being ready to learn through making sure pupils attend school along with participation in extra-curricular activities. It also involves working with families to make sure the child’s education is supported at home.
- School to School Support: through forming a network where best practice can be shared so we can learn form to keep improving the provision for pupils eligible for the fund.
The detailed pupil premium plan is based on these four aims. These have been generated in response to local barriers identified as:
- Attendance of students eligible for the Pupil Premium is historically significantly lower than students not eligible for the Pupil Premium. This reduces learning time which has a detrimental impact on their progress.
- Persistent absence amongst students eligible for the Pupil Premium is significantly worse than for students not eligible for the Pupil Premium.
- The extra-curricular participation of students eligible for the Pupil Premium students is historically significantly lower than that for students not eligible for the Pupil Premium. Student surveys indicate only a small minority participate in any activities outside of school. This leads to a lack of breadth in experience for these students.
- Poor behaviour of some individual students eligible for the Pupil Premium is hampering their access to learning and therefore their progress resulting in FTE.
- As a school we have increasing within school gaps on entry,
- The leaving Y11 cohort of students eligible for the Pupil Premium made less progress than their peers who weren’t eligible for the Pupil Premium. This is significantly so for male students and Middle ability students. This positioned student eligible for the Pupil Premium well below the non- eligible students nationally. An in depth evaluation of the approaches has taken with the eligible students in this year group and changes to the plan have be made and being implemented.
- There aren’t high employment rates in the High Peak area (only 1.1% unemployed in 2015), but those who don’t commute out of the area are predominantly employed in lower paid, manufacturing jobs (average earnings for High Peak was £386/week in 2017, compared to national average of £503/week).
Current attainment at St Philip Howard Academy is as follows:
Pupils eligible for PP at SPH | Pupils not eligible for PP | |
Progress 8 Score Average | -0.54 | -0.06 |
Attainment 8 Score Average | 38.24 | 48.87 |
The overall impact of this plan should be reflected in an improvement in these scores for 2023/24. Current projections current year 11 are as follows:
Pupils eligible for PP at SPH | |
Progress 8 Score Average | 0 |
Attainment 8 Score Average | 40.0 |
The impact of each strategic aim of this work will be ascertained through the following measures comparing students eligible for the Pupil Premium with those who are not eligible:
- Quality first teaching for all
- Class teachers have individual class data readily available to plan lessons at the right level, so has an immediate impact on progress.
- Data Tracking Internal data tracks performance of students at Key Stages 3 and 4.
- High profile given to Quality First teaching focusing on individual care and classroom rigour.
- Diminishing the Difference by focusing on progress for all.
- Targeted curriculum support
- High levels of progress in Literacy for students with PP funding.
- Rapid progress for students whose reading ability is significantly below chronological age.
- To develop further the programme of peer tutoring to raise achievement
- Increased attainment in English and Maths Key Stage 4 for our disadvantaged students.
- Year 11 disadvantaged students are part of a Mentor Scheme run by SLT.
- Disadvantaged students choose appropriate Post-16 pathways
- Targets: For disadvantaged pupils as a cohort, and when analysed for gender and ability differences there is:
- Less than 5% difference in the percentage of students achieving or exceeding expected targets
- Attainment 8 scores in line with targets for the cohort
- A difference of less than 10% between eligible students and non- eligible students on the basics measure
- A difference of less than 10% between eligible students and non- eligible students on the EBacc measure
- 0% NEET Rate
- Wider Strategies
- The percentage attendance for disadvantaged students to be better than the National average.
- The percentage of disadvantaged students who are persistently absent to be lower than national average.
- The proportion of disadvantaged students with fixed term exclusions to be lower than national average.
Monitoring and Intervention
At the heart of everything that we do is High quality first teaching and learning. We do not want our interventions to be required to make up for anything less that quality teaching and learning. Students who are eligible for the Pupil Premium may require interventions in addition to the high quality lessons they receive.
We fully appreciate that no single intervention will provide a complete solution to the complex educational issues in any school and it is therefore important that we operate a multi-faceted approach. We feel that this offers the best opportunity for pupils to succeed. However, we do believe that one key to the narrowing of any difference in attainment is the careful and thorough monitoring and tracking of individual pupils. At St Philip Howard Academy this is done on a daily basis in lessons by our teaching staff. Daily tracking enables teaching staff to report progress and attainment through the process of data drops which in turn allows middle and senior leaders to make informed choices. Data Drop information forms the basis of many of our conversations surrounding the impact of our Pupil Premium spending. As a minimum, however, we operate on the following assumptions, when monitoring and tracking the impact of our Pupil Premium spending
Day to day
- Teachers monitor progress within lessons and implement intervention where required
- Head of Department meet on a fortnightly basis with an SLT line manager to review and plan interventions for “groups” (including the Pupil Premium cohort)
- Reports made to SLT at weekly SLT meetings by AHT student outcomes on PP Progress.
- SIMS is used to report attendance and behaviour issues. AHT and Attendance Officer tracks on a daily basis and reports to Year team weekly. Year team intervene with set procedures concerning attendance.
- Period 6 intervention take place outside of this process. These are tracked by the HOY who links with the relevant member of staff
Medium Term
- Data Drops are collected across the school in line with the calendar. These are reviewed at all levels from class teacher through to HT. AHT (student outcomes) specifically looks at the Pupil Premium cohorts.
- Year team convenes for a RAG meeting and determines gaps in intervention for students eligible for the Pupil Premium.
- AHT (student outcomes) reports to SLT on the PP cohort
- Staff track and monitor interventions using intervention trackers
- AHT (personal development, behaviour and welfare) reports to SLT on attendance and behaviour. AHT intervenes with set procedures concerning attendance and behaviour
- Pupil Premium report presented to the Governors
Long Term
- AHT (student outcomes) draws up Pupil Premium Plan from shared strategic vision with HT
- SLT track and monitor national trends and developments to measure and inform interventions.
- Full review of data carried out by the AHT. Whole school data tracked back to interventions
- Full review of data carried out by teachers and HOD. Department data tracked back to interventions
- Annual Report provided to the governors and published on the school website.
Pupil Premium Plan Overview
The table below show how each intervention provided by St Philip Howard Academy contributes to the three strategic aims:
Area of Work | Curriculum | Pastoral | Quality first teaching | ||||||||||||
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
A | ü | ü | ü | ||||||||||||
B | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
C | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
D | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
E | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
F | ü | ü | ü | ||||||||||||
G | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||||||||||
H | ü | ü | ü | ||||||||||||
I | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ||||||||||
J | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||||||||
K | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||||||||
L | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
M | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
N | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | |||||
O | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
A: Mentoring
B: DHT – Attendance and Punctuality
C: School Uniform
D: Accelerated reading and Code
E: HOY – Behaviour and Involvement
F: Period 6 intervention
G: Trips
H: Induction
I: Music Lessons
J: Careers
K: Literacy and numeracy lessons.
L: TA time
M: Study Resources
N: HOD data analysis– Tracking and Tailoring Provision
O: Promoting Excellent Teaching
(*) Notes:
Significance: Significance tests will be performed on the data using a 95% confidence interval. The St Philip Howard disadvantaged cohort’s values will be tested against the St Philip Howard non-disadvantaged cohort’s for each measure.
A measure is not statistically significantly different from average if its 95% confidence interval contains the average. If the measure’s confidence interval is completely above the average, then we say it is “statistically significantly above average”, denoted by “sig+”. Alternatively, if the measure’s confidence interval is completely below the average, then we say it is “statistically significantly below average”, denoted by “sig-”
EBacc: This target is calculated as a percentage of those students who actually took the EBacc and not of the whole cohort.
Impact Governors Sheets 2022/2023
3 Year Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2023-26
Published: December 2023
Review: December 2023 , April 2024, October 2024