Careers Education

Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance ( CEIAG) at St Philip Howard Academy

As a school, we have a moral duty to provide students in Years 7-11 with careers education, information, advice and guidance whilst fully complying with statutory DfE guidance on Careers and working towards Gatsby Careers benchmarks.

School provides access for all Year groups to independent and impartial Careers Guidance.

At St Philip Howard Academy we believe that quality CEIAG should be available to all students and we are therefore currently working towards the Career Mark Award. Our approach is to view the delivery of CEIAG as both integral and in support of what happens in the classroom. Therefore, we look to link our classroom work to the world of work yet still deliver a stand- alone programme through tutorials and PSHE.

All that we do comes under the banner of our SMSC programme (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision). Through our form time sessions, ‘Beliefs and Values’ lesson time, stand-alone events, drop down days (around enterprise) and outstanding care and guidance, we believe that we offer our students a complete pathway from the day that they enter year 7 until the day that they leave us.

The Careers Department

Careers Leader

The Careers Leader for the school is Ms C Neves. Se is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and also co-ordinates PSHE. She is supported by a Governor with oversight for Careers. Phone: 01457 853611

Careers Adviser

Mr S.A Pacey, our Independent Careers Adviser holds the Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance. He is a registered Career Development Professional with the Careers Development Institute (CDI) and is listed on their professional register. He holds accredited Careers Leadership and Careers Education qualifications and is a professional mentor for the CDI. Mr Pacey is bound by the CDI code of ethics to promote impartial careers guidance.

Email: Phone: 01457 853611

Student Entitlement for all Year Groups

A programme of careers education helping you develop skills and knowledge to make choices and the transition to work and learning.

  • Advice and information about options available to you after Year 8 (subject choices for Key stage 4). and after Year 11 further education, training and employment so that you understand what they involve and how your choices affect your career choice in the future.
  • Support and guidance to help you make choices and complete a career plan for the future.
  • The opportunity to be involved in making decisions about things that effect your learning.
  • An opportunity to learn about the world of work.

Further information about the Careers Programme for each Year Group can be found for the appropriate Key Stages below.


Years 7, 8 and 9. Entitlement to Careers Education, Information and Guidance


Key Stage 3 Careers Entitlement Years 7,8 and 9 Career learning and development at Key stage 3 aims to equip students with the necessary information and skills to manage their own career portfolio and support progression to GCSE/BTEC study from Year 9 and on to the next stage of their learning after Year 11. Independent, impartial and up to date careers advice and guidance is available to all students to support their choices.

Careers Education- Skills and Knowledge development

In Years 7, 8 and 9, students will be taught careers education through their form tutor period, assemblies and a PSHE lesson as part of the PIXL-Edge programme.

Skills and Knowledge Development: Through the PIXL-Edge programme students develop key employability skills in Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Initiative and Communication. Students receive accreditation for this at Apprentice Level.

The careers focus for this programme at key stage 3 is;

  • Investigating work and working life-why people work, types of job, future of work and pathways to work, links to curriculum subjects
  • How organisations work-types of businesses
  • Skills needed at work- personal skills and interest and matching to work
  • Gaining a competitive edge

By the end of Key Stage 4, we expect all students to have a greater understanding of:

  • How work is changing and how this impacts on people’s satisfaction with their working lives.
  • Linking subject interests to jobs
  • How organisations are structured
  • Personal strengths and interests and how these may link to future Career Pathways
  • Identify how to gain a competitive edge

2021 Programme: Year 7- – Further Careers Inputs- Events and Guidance

  • Understanding the learning journey throughout school
  • Familiarise pupils with the Careers area- Careers Adviser visits all Year 7 groups
  • World of Work day -Employers and Employer organisations visit school to support Employability skills

2021 Programme: Year 8 – Further careers Inputs- Events and Guidance

Fast Tomato Group session – Students create a Fast Tomato Careers Interest guide account and investigate career interest and links to Subject option choice for Key stage 4. Students practice their option choices. Students bring home their Username and Password.
The Fast Tomato account stays with the student throughout their Learning Journey through school.

World of Work day– Employers and Employer organisations visit school to support Employability skills
Some students may have an early Careers meeting with the Careers Adviser

2021 Programme: Year 9 – Further careers Inputs- Events and Guidance

Fast Tomato – Update session
Apprenticeships – What they are, local opportunities.
World of Work day – Employers and Employer organisations visit school to support Employability skills
Careers Discussion – Some students may have an early Careers meeting with the Careers Adviser

Some useful websites

Fast Tomato – Careers Interest guide with information of jobs and apprenticeships, College and University courses – all students have a username and password for this programme- it is recorded on the student’s Career Plan which is sent home.

START– An online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential and opportunities, on which you can create an account

icould– take the buzz quiz and watch video clips of people talking about their jobs

Parental Guidance -A guide for parents to career choice for young people aged 13-25

Success at School – information on all things careers, including linking jobs to school subjects

Apprenticeships -Information on apprenticeships; you can sign up to create an account. All apprenticeship vacancies are advertised through this site. Create an account via the Find an Apprenticeship link

icanbea – match your skills to job ideas


Years 10 and 11. Entitlement to Careers Education, Information and Guidance


Key Stage 4 Careers Entitlement – Years 10 and 11

Career learning and development at Key stage 4 aims to equip students with the necessary information and skills to manage their own career portfolio and support progression to the next stage of their learning after Year 11. Independent, impartial and up to date careers advice and guidance is available to all students to support their choices.

Y10 Careers Education- Skills and Knowledge development

In Year 10 students will be taught careers education through their form tutor period and assemblies as part of the PIXL-Edge programme. There will also be presentations from the Careers Department in assembly time.

Skills and Knowledge Development: Through the PIXL-Edge programme students develop key employability skills in Leadership, Organisation, Resilience, Imitative and Communication. Students receive accreditation for this at Graduate or Masters Level.

The careers focus for this programme at key stage 4 is;

  • Career Development
  • Careers for the Future and Labour Market data
  • Post-16 and Post-18 Pathways
  • Apprenticeships and Equality and Diversity in the workplace

2021 Programme: Year 10 – Further careers Inputs- Events and Guidance

Careers Information and Guidance

Students update their ‘Fast Tomato’ Careers Interest Guide account with the Careers Adviser and research careers that they would be interested in following in the future and be shown how to access information from different sources. Students will also be able to understand job trends in the career areas that they are interested in.

Students have a Careers Guidance Interview with a qualified Careers Adviser, identifying progression pathways after Year 11 and encouraging students to research career opportunities beyond at this stage. Students received part 1 of an electronic career plan that is e-mailed home. Careers Information pathway leaflets are also e-mailed home.

Careers Events

World of Work day (summer term) involving a range of employers and employer organisations
College taster sessions- an opportunity to visit local colleges in school time and sit in on lessons and visit workshops as appropriate. This will help with college choice post- 16.

2021 Programme Year 11 – Further Careers Inputs- Events and Guidance

Careers Information and Guidance

  • Students update their ‘Fast Tomato’ Careers Interest Guide account with the Careers Adviser
  • Students have a further Careers Guidance Interview with a qualified Careers Adviser. At this interview, students can apply on-line for College courses and Apprenticeships
  • Intended destinations of students are checked and updated on a regular basis

Careers Events

  • Post-16 Options Fayre for Year 11 students. Students and Parents speak to Colleges about future applications
  • Assembly on Apprenticeships from the ASK Apprenticeship service
  • Assembly from the National Citizenship Service

By the end of Key Stage 4, we expect all students to have a greater understanding of how to:

  • Explain how work is changing and how this impacts on people’s satisfaction with their working lives
  • Find relevant job and labour market information (LMI) and know how to use it in career planning
  • Build and make the most of personal networks of support including how to identify and use a wide range of careers information, advice and guidance
  • Show how they have acquired and are developing qualities and skills to improve their employability
  • Research education, training, apprenticeship, employment and volunteering options including information about the best progression pathways through to specific goals

Some useful websites

Fast Tomato – Careers Interest guide with information of jobs and apprenticeships, College and University courses – all students have a username and password for this programme- it is recorded on the student’s Career Plan which is sent home.

START– An online careers platform, designed to connect 11-18 year olds with their future career potential and opportunities, on which you can create an account

icould– take the buzz quiz and watch video clips of people talking about their jobs

Parental Guidance -A guide for parents to career choice for young people aged 13-25

A Level Explorer – Use this link to support your choice of A Levels. Explore different combinations and their link to career areas.

Apprenticeships -Information on apprenticeships; you can sign up to create an account. All apprenticeship vacancies are advertised through this site. Create an account via the Find an Apprenticeship link

Finding a Job – National Job Search database

Volunteering opportunity for 16-17 year olds.

Leaving Year 11

Once After Year 11, further advice and help is available from

Local Authority

If you are not in Education, Training or Employment, you can contact

Yvonne Cano-Flatt

Employment and Education Officer- High Peak/North Dales

01629 531576 (Tues/Wed/Fri)

01629 533503 (Thurs)

07765 896681 (Tues-Fri)

National Careers Service

Careers help and advice – on line and by telephone

Gatsby Benchmarks

The school is committed to working towards Gatsby Benchmarks to evidence a high quality careers programme. School is working actively with the Careers and Enterprise council on this.

The benchmarks are:

1. A Stable careers program

St Philip Howard Academy has an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors

2. Learning from career and labour market information

By the end of year 8, all pupils should will have accessed and used information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decisions on study options. By the end of Year 11 , students will have researched their career choices and future employment trends via the Fast Tomato Careers Programme.

3. Address the needs for each student

Opportunities for advice and support are offered to all pupils in every year group and are tailored to the needs of each student. This includes students who have SEND reviews.

4. Link the curriculum to careers

By end of year 8, every pupil will have had the opportunity to learn how the different subjects help people to gain entry to, and be more effective workers within a wide range of careers. Individual subject areas build in opportunities for students to relate subjects to careers.

5. Encounters with employers and employee’s

Every year, from year, pupils will participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer.

6. Experiences of work places

By the age of 16, every pupil will have had at least one experience of a workplace through various forms.

7. Encounters with further education

By the age of 16, every pupil will have had a meaningful encounter with providers of the full range of learning opportunities, including Sixth Forms, colleges, universities and apprenticeships. This will include the opportunity to meet both staff and pupils.

8. Personal guidance

Every pupil has at least 2 careers interviews by the age of 16- resulting in an electronic career plan which is e-mailed home to parents.

Support in school

Information, advice and guidance come from a number of different sources at St Philip Howard Academy. Your first stop should be with your Form Tutor. This member of staff will see your child on a daily basis and will be responsible for delivering the Careers programme through tutorial. You may also wish to contact your child’s Head of Year. Mr White is the named member of the staff responsible for CEIAG.

Secondly, students can talk to our Independent Careers Advisor. All students from year 8-11 will receive advice and guidance from the Careers Advisor, either through small group work or as a one to one interview. The advisor is based in our dedicated careers office in the library. Here you will find a wealth of resources, prospectus’ for different colleges and useful information.

At transition points we will also provide a drop in facility for students to receive extra support and guidance. Following the inter a written action plan is provided for the student and a copy will be emailed to parents / guardians. Interview slots are communicated via your child’s form tutor, although we actively encourage Parental involvement in this process.

If you have any queries please liaise with Mr. White regarding your child’s interview or e-mail

Supporting your child at home

We very much believe that the first way to help your child is to ensure that they attend school every day. The qualifications that they receive will be pivotal in opening the door to their chosen career route.

As your child approaches their options choices we would recommend you attend the Year 8 Options Evening and read the Options booklet in order to discuss option choices effectively.

Once your child is in Year 10 you can begin to explore options available post 16 and to consider with your child whether they want to pursue a College Course or an Apprenticeship. You can check prospectuses to be aware of the entry criteria and this can often serve as a good motivator as students reach the end of Year 10.

As students enter Year 11 focus must be on achieving the highest grades possible. To help with this, students should submit Post-16 applications by December.

For more information why not visit your child’s Fast Tomato account ( username and password needed) and/or visit to find out more about different careers and get useful advice on how to plan ahead.

Destinations- What do St Philip Howard students go on to do after Year 11?

The vast majority of our Y11’s continues on to employment, further education or training. Last year 68% continued in full time education. While 32% went into apprenticeships or full time work.

Key Documents for Careers

Access Policy Statement: Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers.

For further information please view the CEIAG policy.

Our whole school careers plan for career, employability and enterprise education

Labour Market Information