Student Rewards

Rewarding our Pupils

At St Philip Howard we are working tirelessly to ensure that our pupils are rewarded for their academic performance, their effort and willingness to contribute to the Catholic life of the school.

  • Ofsted identified in recent studies that rewards motivated students to apply themselves more and to achieve better grades at GCSE level. In the process, students also gained the satisfaction of making a valuable contribution to the community.
  • Ofsted praised teachers who tailored the curriculum to make lessons more interesting and took pupils beyond the school gates to vary the day.

Regular Rewarding

This year we have re-launched our rewards initiatives which has, to date, yielded significant results.

At the end of the first half term a total of 51,995 credits were awarded and only 2611 debits.  Over 300 praise post cards were sent home and over 300 pupils rewarded for attendance in the last week of term was a really positive start.

The structure for regular rewarding of our pupils can be identified below and is familiar to our pupils. This is the work that goes on day in day out and has enabled everyone to feel a part of #TeamSPH

End of Term Rewards

Pupils that qualify for the end of term rewards will need to meet the following criteria:

  •  96% Attendance figure or above for the term
  •  96% Punctuality figure or above for the term
  •  An average grade 2 or higher attitude to learning across all subjects
  •  No more than 1 Emmaus in a term
  •  Positive credit score

Pupils who have not qualified for the end of term reward due to situation out of their control will have the opportunity to sit before a panel to decide

Pupils not eligible for the end of term reward will continue with their timetabled lessons.