Teaching and Learning

There are a number of apps available to SPH students.

Whole School

Throughout the whole school, students have access to the Times Tables app.

From Year 9

Students have access to the Maths and Literature apps

From Year 10

Students who have taken History or Geography as an option subject can access these apps too.

Please click the appropriate link to be taken to one of these apps.

Logins have been shared in assemblies and on the ‘T&L Newsletter’ (October 18), along with a help sheet which is attached.

https://mathsapp.pixl.org.uk/ (Maths)

https://timestable.pixl.org.uk/Timestables.html (Times tables)

https://englishapp.pixl.org.uk/ (Literature)

https://historyapp.pixl.org.uk/ (History)

https://geographyapp.pixl.org.uk/ (Geography)