General Requirements
What we expect from everyone
Our Academy uniform is smart and distinctive and should be worn with pride.
We expect an excellent personal appearance and behaviour to be maintained by every student at all times during the school day and on their journey to and from school. It is NOT to wear trainers, sweatshirts, tracksuit tops, hoodies or denim jackets, nail varnish, make-up, jewellery or anything that is not on the list you received in the prospectus.
All items of uniform should be clean and well kept. The rules on uniform have not changed at all – you will certainly be informed by the school if any alteration to school uniform is proposed.
Skirts should be of a reasonable length and shorts/cycling shorts are not permitted under skirts. Trousers for girls should be smart tailored trousers and must be of a design, which allows shirts to be properly tucked inside. No hairstyles which are ‘extreme’ are allowed – this is as per the guidance on Page 11 of the student planner. Leggings and close fitting trousers are not suitable.
All students should wear black shoes. Trainers are not to be worn except for P.E.
A Reasonable outdoor coat is recommended – it is not acceptable for students to wear leather, denims, track suit top, sweatshirt, coloured shirts worn as coats.
As Summer approaches and temperatures increase, the Headteacher will declare that jumpers are not compulsory to be worn.