Lessons in bridge building, morse code and communicating via cans at Saint Mary’s Catholic Voluntary Academy were led by students from St Philip Howard.

Saint Mary’s welcomed 18 of our Year 8 students, who led science lessons working with pupils of all ages.

The Year 8 students planned and delivered the sessions, which included creating a magnet obstacle course and setting up a crime scene investigation.

The day was part of British Science Week- a 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths which takes place from 10-19 March 2023 and this year’s theme is connections.

Nicola Barry, science co-ordinator at Saint Mary’s, in Gladstone Street, thanked pupils and staff from St Philip Howard.

She said: “We thought this was an ideal opportunity to further strengthen our links with St Philip Howard as our partner secondary school.

“Their students came up with ideas for the day and planned them. They then led the sessions in classes with support from our staff. Our pupils worked in classes made up of different year groups and it’s been nice to see pupils of different ages working together.

“Our pupils have looked at bridge building, morse code, using magnets, can communication and they have absolutely loved it. Some of the St Philip Howard students used to be pupils here and it’s been lovely to see them again.”

Kadie, a Year 8 student at St Philip Howard, said she enjoyed working with pupils at Saint Mary’s.

She said: “I was in the sessions about morse code but there are different groups doing lots of different things. I volunteered to take part because I enjoy science and I like doing more practical experiments. I liked working with the children at Saint Mary’s; the day was amazing.”

Jane-Ann Birkitt, Joint Head of Science at St Philip Howard, said the day was a great experience for pupils from both schools.

She said: “The aim of the day was for our Year 8 students to practice their skills and share their enthusiasm for science with the pupils at Saint Mary’s and to look at how anybody can be a scientist.

“We wanted to show the Saint Mary’s pupils techniques and equipment that they might not get the opportunity to use in primary school.

“It was a great day and we were made to feel very welcome. It was lovely for some of our pupils, who used to go to Saint Mary’s, to come back and nice for the Saint Mary’s staff to see how they’ve developed.”